Today I went for a run... outside. It's early November in Indiana. Normally this would not be advised, but for the past few days we have been experiencing somewhat of an Indian Summer of sorts. I don't run far and I don't run fast. My main goal is to simply get my heartbeat raised slightly to burn some coffee calories away. My iPod was set to shuffle and my mind was intently focused on the rhythmic pain that emitted up my legs with each stride. As my iPod chose the next song, which just so happened to be Filter's "Take A Picture" I was hit with an immediate sense of thankfulness. "Thankful to who?" you might ask. As the song progressed I realized that this beautiful day, my ability to run and breathe and laugh, and my future are all gifts from my Creator. The pain of each stride was being replaced with thoughts of things that I should be thankful for, and as each one flashed into my mind's eye I whispered "Thank You."
Many times I find myself wondering what is next and asking God, "Will you do this for me? Will you protect me? Will you have your hand on my life?" Too often I forget to say, "Thank you, God, for your many blessings and your will and plan for my life." So, thank you.
worship in all of it's finer intentions. my favorite kind.